
Auto Box Insurance: July 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Think positive and avoid pessimistic formulas

Thinking constructively allows us to see the good side of events and open our emotions to life.

This is why it is so important that we learn to develop a constructive thought. The researcher Seymour Epstein in his book Constructive Thinking: The key to emotional intelligence.

We speak of two systems of thought:

1. - The rational intelligence (CI)

Two. - Experimental Intelligence: Based on the experience of emotions and covers three types of intelligence (Emotional, Social and practice)

Constructive thought is the thought of experiential intelligence is related to job success, physical health, emotional adjustment, success in personal relationships and greater overall life satisfaction.

Constructive thought generates emotion, is the mediator between the events of our lives and feelings. We know that our thinking is the fundamental key feel when something or other, in short, that determines our feelings.

Being a positive thinker is not that difficult. It seeks to identify and bring order to our thoughts, positive and negative, to get the most out of them.

Identify your automatic thoughts

If someone criticizes your work, pay attention to what you say to yourself (I've insulted) to mental images that arise in your head ("I made a fool of everyone") and how it influences your feelings (" I'm a mess, I'm useless ")

Identify your secondary thoughts

There are other automatic thoughts that follow and are a consequence of the first: "I'll pay" or "may not have been an insult" or "I have to improve"

Identify your behavioral responses

Your behavior depends on what you thought: You can insult who criticized you, work harder, do nothing ...

Identify your sensitive areas

Are you out of control situations and an indication that your constructive thinking is bad (fear of rejection, failure)

Avoid pessimistic formulas

to achieve develop constructive thinking positively flowing into your life, you should try to avoid pernisiosas formulas in which people often fall pessimistic:


It's making a mountain out of a molehill. Ask yourself if what happens (or anticipate consequences) are as serious as you suppose.

Categorical thinking:

All or nothing, black or white, good or bad.

See the challenges and threats

If you feel fear or anxiety about anything, you might miss many of the opportunities that life provides.


To assume that what happens in one or more situations will always happen


Apply labels to people or events, and then act as if they were accurate


Take it personally; assume without justification that are the center of attention of all, no one is the navel of the world.

The tyranny of "should"

When you feel bad because you think things are not as they should be. You can accept reality by changing what you can or torment and depressed

Negative thinking:

Interpret events paying attention only to the bad side, you can always find something positive

Naive optimism:

Positive Thinking exaggerated and unrealistic that involves thinking that everything will work forever and that nothing bad can happen

Validate any feelings

feelings do not reflect reality, but our interpretation of it, that may be correct or incorrect.

Suppose intentionality

It means to assume that when people do something that hurts your feelings intended to do

The scapegoat

Looking for something or someone to blame for your discomfort

Hasty conclusions

based on inadequate evidence. the more exalted are, the more your mind will be discarded rational and constructive